Sunday, September 30, 2007


Sunday, September 30, 2007 2:30:35 PM
SFI Silver Team Leaders

About SFI Marketing Group
About The Roc Group

To be successful in Network Marketing you must have a large group of people who will agree to purchase products from one particular company each month, automatically.

SFI has over 100 top products that people consume worldwide, ever day. If you build a downline group of say 100,000 people, and they each agreed to purchase $30.00 worth of products from SFI that they can consume in a month, you would generate over $3,000,000 in product purchases for SFI each month.

Even if SFI paid you only 3 cent on each dollar generated as a result of your hard work, that would give you a $90,000 monthly income. WOW! I know that sounds like a dream. But, is it really? People are doing that and more in Network Marketing every day!

Here's the problem. How do you personally get 100,000 people who are serious enough to purchase products from SFI each month? That's the million dollar question. And quite frankly, that's the reason why most people do not choose Network Marketing as a career. They have not been effectively taught the KNOW HOW of building such a large organization and income!

What we will do here today, is teach you the fundamentals of how to simply put such a large number into small, easily attainable goals to get it started.

The best way to do it is to teach you the Formula of Network Marketing Success. This formula is something The Roc Group developed over the last 10 month working REPETITIOUSLY as an affiliate of SFI.

We used this formula to start from zero in November of 2006 to grow our SFI business into over 6400 affiliate as of today. We predict that by the time we are in SFI 1-year, we will have over 10,000 affiliates in our downline. The formula is simple, but very powerful. This is it:

Repetition + Duplication + Multiplication =
Guaranteed Success in SFI

Let us make it plain:

There is a time-tested rule to building a Network Marketing business that is a measuring stick of how successfully you are in executing your business plan in your attempt to build a large income in any network marketing company.

Just like a new born baby, everyone must start at the beginning by themselves. But, with hard work you will first learn to roll over on your stomach, first learn to crawl, then walk, and before you know it you are running a large prosperous business. However, just like a baby it will take time to grow through this process by repeatedly trying. What happens if a baby stops trying at any step in the process? That same thing will happen if you stop repeating the process to success in Network Marketing.

The Roc Group call this Network Marketing rule:
The Rule of 1 x 2.

Basically, when you start your network marketing career with SFI, your first goal is to follow a marketing system to find 1 or 2 people who will share your vision for success using SFI, that are coachable. To be coachable, is like being a rookie player on any team. You must realize that you are new, and you will need instructions for getting thing started right with minimum errors.

You will agree to follow all the informations given, and will not second guess something your coach will tell you that you don't understand. You will agree to do the task first, then ask questions later. Your first goal is to personally find 1 or 2 people with that same attitude to get your business started by joining your first level as an SFI Executive Affiliate.

How do you find these 1 or 2 people that are coachable?

You do that by using a system of advertising to get the word out about your SFI business. The best place to start is with your friends and family. Being coachable, you will simply make a list of at least 100 people that you know. The bigger the list, the more predictable the results. Then, you must systematically REPEAT a contacting process until you have contacted everyone on that list. Simply let them know what you are doing and ask their opinion of it.

You can just say you developed a new website and you want them to tell you what they think, or ask them what you can do to improve it. That way there is no pressure to get them to take a look. You are not initially asking them to join or purchase anything. They will at least be curious enough to check it out, since very few people have a website. Send them this link to your SFI store:

(Replace the 7 digits with your SFI Id#)

Within 24-hours, follow up and ask them what they thought about it. Ask them if there was anything on the site that you could improve. Ask if there was any one product they thought was interesting or valuable. If they are at all interested in earning money, they will start asking you questions.

Don't be discouraged in the beginning if no one respond in a positive way. Most people will shoot it down right away as a waste of time, and money. If they are friendly towards the idea of you having a website, but not for themselves, ask them to be a customer by purchasing a product from your SFI store to help you get started. Be persistent about getting them to order. (One or two purchases will qualify you to become an Executive Affiliate without having to use any of your money to get upgraded.)

Always remember, your first goal is to REPEAT the contacting process until you find 1 or 2 people out of the list to share your vision of success using SFI, that are coachable. If you are not successful within your "natural resource of friends and family", then you must broaden your search to people you don't know and the internet.

You must use several methods to advertise your SFI url online, and REPEAT the contacting process every day, until you find 1 or 2 people who will share your vision for success with SFI, that are coachable. Remember, the success formula? The first part is REPETITION.

We repeated one thing above over and over in every paragraph. Did you get it? You must master this element of Repeating the Process to find 1 or 2 persons who are coachable for as long as you are building your SFI business income. It will not stop. The day you stop advertising, is the day your SFI business will begin to die. You keep life in your business by REPEATING the PROCESS over and over to find new, coachable people to sponsor on your first level.

The art of repetition reminds me of a person that played professional football for the San Francisco 49ers. When he was recruited as a rookie wide-receiver out of a small college in Mississippi, he only got drafted in the 16th round. Top tier athletes always went in the 1st round, so he barely got noticed by the pro scouts.

When he first started practicing with the team, it has been told that he dropped almost every pass for the first 3 weeks of practice. But, when he did catch a pass, no matter where he caught it on the field, he would sprint full speed to the goal line as if he was in a real game running a touch down. He REPEATED this process EVERY TIME he caught the ball!

The veterans of the team would all laugh at him as a rookie trying to impress the coaches. Because of his consistent hard work habits, and this REPETITION during practice, over 18 years as an NFL player, he became the league's ALL-TIME LEADING pass receiver. If you are a football fan, you probably already know who he is, his name is JERRY RICE, a Hall of Famer! He became the most successful pass receiver of all-time on the most successful NFL team of all-time. How did it happen?

Over time, Jerry's work habits became infectious. When has fellow players, saw how successful he was becoming by his repetitiously dedicated work habits, they all join in and developed similar work habits. They ALL REPEATED the same habit of running the full length of the field during practice plays. They as a team, developed the winning spirit. They believed they would always win! And guess what? They won 4 Super Bowls during the 1980's because of it!

No one wins 100 percent of the time, and you will not sponsor a person with every ad you place or message you post. But, if you believe you will eventually sponsor someone, you will! Its just a matter of REPEATING the Process of advertising to find someone, over and over again.

That's what the first part of the Formula of Success, REPETITION will do. It will build within you a winning spirit.

By repeating the same process over and over to find 1 or 2 people who will share your vision of success with SFI, that are coachable, you will develop within you a will to succeed that will not be easily broken. Its been said, if you do anything for 30 straight days, it will become a habit that you can't easily break. This habit will become like a second nature. It will be like eating and drinking every day. Advertising for new affiliates is a good habit that you will not want to break, because it will lead you to your goal of success with SFI.

In the beginning, you will have to force yourself to "run full speed to the goal line every time" by repeatedly doing the things that will eventually lead to your success. Things like placing classified ads, posting forum messages, sending out prospecting emails, following up on new affiliates by email, joining groups, posting messages in groups, joining social networking profiles, etc. But, eventually you will start to yield results, and those results will fuel your motivation to continue full speed ahead towards your income goals.

Using this Rule of 1 x 2 when you find 1 person that is coachable, you will teach that person exactly what they need to do to become a success with SFI, and if they follow your lead, you will have duplicated yourself.

DUPLICATION is the second element in the Formula to Success with SFI.

Without duplication, you pretty much are just working on a regular commissions paying job. You do work today! You get paid today! You stop doing work tomorrow. You get paid ZERO tomorrow! The results will be a J-O-B. (Just over broke!)

We like to compare duplicating your SFI efforts by sponsoring 1 or 2 coachable people who share your vision of success with SFI, that are coachable to starting a Franchise business.

Every franchise operation has strict regulations that new franchisees must follow when they get started. They must follow them for 2 reasons. One, they are proven to work over time, and will lead to guaranteed success, and two, failing to follow them will cause mass confusion in the customers.

Let's take McDonald's for an example. Who in the world has not heard of McDonald's. Why is it that they repeatedly keep advertising? They are advertising to create in the public an image that associates the Golden Arches to good, fast food.

When you walk into any McDonald's in the world, to place your order all you have to do is pick a number. In every McDonald's, meal #1 is their highest profit order. Studies show that 66 percent of their patrons automatically place orders for the #1 meal selection, no matter what it is. What if a new franchisee didn't know that and placed the highest profit maker in the #3 position? He would start losing profits from day one!

Also, what if a new franchisee decided to put some other products on the ordering board. When customers walk in the McDonald's and looks up, they will look like a deer caught in the headlights at night, confused and dazed! Where's the Big Mac meal, where's the Double Cheeseburger meal, or the Fillet of Fish meal? What about the Happy Meal?

Everything about a franchise must be uniform according to regulation or the franchisee will get terminated. Everything all the way down to where they purchase toilet paper has a regulation.

With SFI its the same way. In our opinion, eighty-five percent of what it takes to be successful in SFI is not on their website, or in the forum. You need an affiliate website url, yes! You need a genealogy report to track your affiliates, yes! You need a compensation plan, yes! You need consumable products, yes!

But, 80 percent of the affiliates that join do not understand any of that stuff for weeks, if not months! Without a system that gives them something to do right away, they will just get confused and frustrated, just like the customer walking into a renegade McDonald's.

In an orderly system of getting started, it will take in consideration all the things new affiliates needs to know from day one. It will virtually guarantee a better start than just letting them figure it out without any coaching. Eventually, without a system, and not seeing the big picture, and no immediate income, they will just quit. They will move on to something else.

Duplication will eliminate the pitfalls for coachable new affiliates, just like in a franchise operation. Everyone you sponsor will not be coachable, or perhaps even understand English very well. We can't help them, and quite frankly we are not looking for them. That's life!

Another important thing about duplication. When it is done perfectly, it will GUARANTEE INCOME GROWTH! If you sponsored 2 people using a system that helped you find your first 2 in an orderly manner, what are the chances if you taught that same system to each one of those individuals, they would each have a similar result? Chances are about 95 to 100 percent! Are you beginning to see that group of 100,000 customers beginning to form using the Formula of Success?

Okay, lets get back to the Rule of 1x2. Let say you sponsored just 2, who sponsors 2, who sponsors 2, who sponsors 2, who sponsors 2, who sponsors 2, who sponsors 2. If you duplicated that perfectly and did the math, how many people will be in your 7-level downline? Or better said, how many customers will you have bought to SFI to make the minimum purchase each month of $30.00?


That's just repeating a process of advertising every day until you found 2 individuals that share your vision of success with SFI, that are coachable. Then, duplicating that process by coaching those 2, and they repeated and duplicate that process with their 2, and so on through the 7 levels of SFI's compensation plan. That's the beginning power of REPETITION and DUPLICATION!

However, it must be done in an orderly system of doing things to make it work. Here's an example of the processes that The Roc Group promotes:

  1. All new affiliates must accept SFI's optin notification email to validate their account.
  2. All new affiliates must complete Smart Start Training, immediately after joining
  3. All new affiliates must start their business with a business name in their SFI account.
  4. All new affiliates must have a picture in their SFI account profile.
  5. All new affiliates must send for the business setup info at:
  6. All new affiliates must update their automatic new affiliate greetings letter.
  7. All new affiliates must get the intro website Money Machine Income Builder
  8. All new affiliates must execute a 1st advertising campaign that will teach them what they have to do repetitiously day in and day out to succeed.
  9. All new affiliates must within 30 days upgrade to Executive Affiliate, and maintain your status as an EA by making monthly purchases.
  10. All affiliates must send our follow up letters after receiving new affiliate email notifications.

These are 10 fundamentals of building a 100,000 group of consumers in SFI. We didn't mention where to go to place your repetitious advertising. We have all the tools available to succeed. These 10 steps are what The Roc Group has been doing over the last 10 months to grow our business.

What are the chances of someone who follows our system, not having a similar or greater success then us, if they follow our example perfectly? There is virtually no chance that they will fail.

All new affiliates have to do is be coachable, and JUST DO IT day in and day out until they get 1 or 2 people that share their vision of success with SFI, that are coachable! Then, duplicate the process with them by teaching them our system!

EXAMPLE: The Roc Group has 6 Team Leaders in our downline. Every one of them became a Team Leader by using our marketing system. Out of 6400 affiliates, NO ONE ELSE has figured out a way to sponsor just 5 Executive Affiliates on their first level, conducting business in SFI using any other marketing system! That includes the method to building your business that is taught on the SFI website!

You will not get rich with just 128 people purchasing products from SFI because of you beginning the process of repetition in advertising and duplication by coaching just 2 people how to do the same.

Let's be honest! On the average currently, SFI pays about $1.86 for every Executive Affiliate in your downline more or less depending if your position is just an EA or Team Leader. So $1.86 times 128 ($238) will get you a good night out on the town with your significant other in any major city in the world. You will by no means be considered rich or even well-to-do! But, at least that income would come in every month, automatically and it will grow each month!

That brings us to the next required part of the Formula of Success, namely MULTIPLICATION!

To progress to success in SFI you must qualify to become a Bronze Team Leader (BTL). To do that you must sponsor at least 5 Executive Affiliates on your 1st level, who will share your vision of success in SFI, and are coachable. They too, will follow your lead by following the system as outline above. They will be repetitious in advertising to find 5 affiliates that share their vision of success with SFI, and are coachable. So lets use that 5 EAs qualifying number, after applying the Formula of Success:

1x5x5x5x5x5x5x5 = 78125

78123 perfectly coachable Executive Affiliates that share your visison of success with SFI. Now using the current average commission per EA in your downline of $1.86 each, your monthly income is $145, 312. Now that's a big WOW!

How many people did you have to repeatedly advertise to find to get all this started? Just 5! Then, you applied the system of duplication to perfectly coach them what they should also be doing to find their first 5. That's it!

Its been said that everyone that has been perfectly taught will be exactly like their teacher! That's a rule that will make you rich with the SFI compensation plan, if you follow it!

What if some where along the way, you decided you wanted to quit and do something different, since your SFI income was only $11.00 a month and you had been working hard day and night advertising? Heck, that is less then 1/2 of what it takes to cover your minimum payment to be an Executive Affiliate, perhaps your wife or husband will say.

What if you got lazy and did not have the repetition mentality of Jerry Rice that's necessary to find 5 people to become EA that were coachable? What if you didn't follow your Upline Sponsor's lead and duplicated the process to perfection by following up with every one of your new affiliates with a letter that says the same thing?

You will not teach your new affiliates to do something you are not doing or don't believe in yourself. It would be impossible to grow your downline into 7 FREE affiliates least to say, 78,125 Executive Affiliates.

Just like a new baby, it all starts at the beginning for everyone. Your growth will depend directly on Y_O_U! No one will do it for you, but then again no one can keep you from doing it either! Its not about the marketing plan. Its been proven to work! Its all about the MAN or WOMAN!

Lets take it a few step further. To be really successful and progress in SFI you need to become a Silver Team Leader! To qualify you must have at least 10 people on your 1st level who share your vision of success with SFI, who are coachable. If you think the money was tremendous as a Bronze Team Leader with just 5 EAs on your first level, double that income as a STL.

What about the top position, a Platinum Team Leader. To qualify all you need is 20 people on your first level who share you vision of success in SFI, and are coachable. The income will double again!

Okay, Let's Be Real Again and Come Back Down To Earth!

Using our marketing system, The Roc Group has sponsored over 360 affiliates in the first 10 months in SFI. That's consistently 1 affiliate per day, on the average. Many days here lately, there are 2 to 3 new affiliates. Some days there are none. We have sponsored as high as 7 affiliates in one day!

We have personally sponsored over 35 affiliates in that 363 number, that upgraded to EA for at least 1 month. Currently, this month, it appears that we will have 11 or 12 EA's on our first level. What happened to all the others?

Do you remember what we kept saying almost in every other paragraph above? You must find 1 or 2 people that share your vision of success with SFI, that are coachable.

Ninety-five percent of the people who join SFI do not have any vision for the future. They can only see what they can see with their eyes, today! They might get started and follow our Yahoo Groups Income Building Plan and join 300 Yahoo Groups during their excitement phase, and then sit back and wait on the money.

When it doesn't come immediately, or quick enough, by the second or third month, they quit and stop making their monthly product purchase! We can not help them. They will be quitters the rest of their lives! Just like they've probably quit at other things, too!

A person with vision, will see the big picture we painted above. Vision is something you see with your minds eye that will happen at a future date. Its the assured expectation of things hoped for, that are not yet evident. Usually, it is expected in the far distant future. That's what successful people and corporations do. They project where they will be, 5, 10, 30 years in the future.

Jerry Rice had vision. Even as a rookie, he saw himself in the National Football League's Hall of Fame at the end of his playing career! What he did every day painted a picture in his mind of him attaining that goal. It motivated him to continue to do the things most players hated to do, practice hard, over and over again.

You must have the attitude that you will do and live like the very few people, today, so that you can live and do like the very few people , tomorrow! Doing what everyone else is doing today, is a guaranteed recipe for failure, financially in the future! According to financial experts, 97 our of 100 people that start a job at 18, will retire with less then $2000.00 in the bank at age 65. That's after working over 45 years getting paid for what they do, without duplicating their efforts!

So don't get discouraged when your EA's quit. We have had a Bronze Team Leaders quit, while they were earning a small profit every month. Their income was even covering their monthly product purchase! They follow our marketing system for 2 just months.

We have also recently had a Bronze Team Leader come back into SFI, after having sold his business to someone else. So you will never know. Just keep working hard doing the repetitious things that leads to success, and the rest will take care of themselves.

One final note: Even if you were only 3 percent successful at applying the Formula of Success, the money will eventually blow your socks off! That doesn't take into account the fact that the average monthly commission with SFI will not stay at $1.86 per EA!

The Roc Group predicts that within 5 years, the average commission per EA will be as high as $3.00 or more.. That's because the more money EAs earn, the more they will start transfer buying from local stores and purchase all the comparable products that SFI offers. That will push their average monthly purchase up from $30.00. As an example, when we started last year, SFI was only paying an average of $1.36 per EA. As of last month, it had gone up 50 cents. WOW!

Can you now see the importance of repetition and duplication? The multiplication factor will always take care of itself. That's a science.

In summary,

SFI has the products.
SFI has the compensation plan.
SFI has the superior support.
The Roc Group has the marketing system.
All you need to do is apply your own Formula of Success!

The Roc Group

Our SFI Intro Website
Everything You Need to Grow Your Income
Person-to-Person Business Loans Up to 25k

P.S. For those of you who worked on the 1 cent assignment. The results is over $10,000,000. In other words, by perfectly applying the principles of repetition, duplication and multiplication, doubling 1 penny per day for 30 days will yield $10,000,000. (1x2=2x2=4x2=8, etc do that 30 times)

That's in a perfect world, and there is nothing perfect. Just like in Network Marketing, but if there was an error factor in the process of 99%, $100,000 still is not bad. Just imagine if you were only 1% successful at Network Marketing to build your future with SFI, the results you will get over time, will be much more then the average person can expect to earn in a lifetime of working today, to get paid for today, with no duplication of their efforts.

With Network Marketing you get paid for what you start, not what you are currently doing today. Its call residual income! All stock markets is an example of residual income. The people who earn money this way are controlling all the wealth in every country, worldwide. The poor people work for them. You don't have to continue to be among them! You need very little money to get your residual income started in Network Marketing. But, you do need a good work habits, and time.


The Roc Group's downline as of today, since we started 11.04.06. We predict 10,000 affiliates by 11.04.07. Always remember, every one starts at the beginning. How well you multiply and duplicate your business, will be determined strictly by your repetitious work habits. You must repeat the process of advertising and duplication over and over again, just like you do going to a job every day, to succeed.

Gen 1 Affiliates: 363
Gen 2 Affiliates: 807
Gen 3 Affiliates: 558
Gen 4 Affiliates: 998
Gen 5 Affiliates: 1382
Gen 6 Affiliates: 1241
Gen 7 Affiliates: 1072
Total for all Generations: 6421

6000% Growth in the first 10 months. Wow! Imagine what the results will be in 5 years? Become a visionary, and join us TODAY! Join here!

Counter Stats
financial planning

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Who DO NOT Want To Be A Millionaire?

Millionaire Status with SFI is a definite possibility if you are willing to do 5 simple things.....

1. Join SFI and upgrade to Executive Affiliate with VersaPoints!
2. Advertise your business to "hire" your potential leaders!
3. Advertise your business to build a personal customer base!
4. Set 3 long-term goals and 3 short-termed goals for your business.
5. Build your downline 'THROUGH TEAM LEADERS" until you obtain the highest rank of PLATINUM TEAM LEADER!

Why will so few do something so simple as those 5 steps to succeed?

Here's why:

Imagine if a total stranger came up to you and told you she would give you $1,000,000 if you could systematically over time get 1, 000,000 people to visit a network marketing website.

It didn't matter how long it took, when the 1,000,000th person hit your URL, you would get a check for ONE-MILLION dollars!

What would you do?

According to a leading major Network Marketing company survey, that is what they did in the downtown shopping area of Chicago some years ago.

What they found out is one of the "hidden secrets" to success in Network Marketing. On the average, of 100 people that were asked the above question, this is how they responded:

  • 61 Walked away immediately, totally discounting the offer
  • 26 Asked a few more details, but would not get involved
  • 12 Signed up in the marketing plan right away
  • 1 Completed their Success Plan some SIX YEARS later
This 1 per-center went on to earn not just the $1,000,000, but a 3-Million Dollars PER YEAR income in Network Marketing! (See some of the top earners in SFI here)

What did that 1 person know that the other 99 people did not know? He knew how to recognize a great opportunity when it was presented to him, and he knew how to finish a task that he started!

You see, any one and every one can succeed in Network Marketing. The problem is only a very few have the the right
attitude and dogged determination to keep pushing forward in spite of all apparently negative odds.

So what does this tell you about your SFI Marketing Group business and income building efforts?

Basically, you have to go through a lot of Z-E-R-Os to get to that one H-E-R-O who will see the job through! Is is worth all the long hours and the seemingly endless effort?
You bet it is!

Will everyone who visits your website sign up?

Will everyone who signs up for a FREE account in your SFI business become a Team Leader?
Absolutely NOT!

Why not?

Because of the lack of a persistent advertising efforts, and keeping their blinders on. Farmers in the old days put blinders on horses to keep them focused on making forward progress. This prevented their eyes from focusing on the cool water on the right, or the tasty barley field on the left.

Advertising your SFI business is the same way. How much time you are focused on learning about it, and advertising it will determine your ultimate success or eventual failure. Its just that simple!

Advertising is like prospecting for "
PURE GOLD". You pan through a lot of WATER and worthless sand, day in and day out, no doubt about it. Every once in a while you find what prospectors call "FOOLS GOLD". It looks good and feels good, but upon professional examination, ITS TOTALLY WORTHLESS!

That would be compared to signing up an affiliate that does everything right, in the beginning. He may even sign up and purchase products right away to become an Executive Affiliate, but eventually as time progress month in and month out, he quits before he has enough advertising out there to find a few Team Leaders who want to succeed.

However, if you continue sifting day in and day out, over time you will eventually find 2 to 3 people just like the 1 person above, and those few people any where in your downline will earn you an income beyond your wildest dreams!

For more details on just how 2 or 3 totally successful people in your downline can earn you a Million Dollar income in Network Marketing, especially with SFI, check our blog in a few days.

We will be telling how you can take a measly penny (.01) and grow it into $1,000,000 in just 30 days using two time-tested principles that create millionaires in Network Marketing.

These 2 principles are
Duplication and Multiplication. Here's a tip: Take one penny and mathematically double it every day for 30 days. See if you can figure it out.

The Roc Group
Silver Team Leaders


To be successful as a Network Marketing Professional affiliate of SFI Marketing Group you need to do these 5 things to get started:

1. Be sponsored by a SFI Income Building Professional.
Action Step: Join The Roc Group through this link

2. Start your business with a business name and a business mindset.
Action Step: For tips, send an email with your SFI id# to:

3. Login to your new SFI account and complete VersaPoints Training,
immediately. Action Step: Start Your Training at this link

4. Start your 1st Massive Advertising Campaign that will last for at least 12 - 24 months day in and day out.
Action Step: Contact your sponsor and get the link to our 10 Week Advertising Course.

5. Set realistic Professional Income Building goals for a 12 to 24 month accumulation period.

These are Roc Group's up-to-date downline numbers since we joined SFI 11.04.06. We are predicting 10,000 affiliates by our anniversary. This growth will come as a result of the hard work of the affiliates in our downline right now. Everyone starts at the beginning, just like a new born baby. Your ultimate income growth depends solely on Y_O_U! However, you are paid for what you start, not what you are doing now.

We predict within 5 years, each person in your downline will be worth a minimum of $3 per month to you, even if they do nothing other then to register as a FREE affiliate. We would like to invite you to join us, TODAY!

Gen 1 Affiliates: 352
Gen 2 Affiliates: 716
Gen 3 Affiliates: 536
Gen 4 Affiliates: 986
Gen 5 Affiliates: 1289
Gen 6 Affiliates: 1218
Gen 7 Affiliates: 1009
Total for all Generations: 6106

Money Fan Club Our newest forum we recommend for advertising your SFI business.
Get paid $20 in "Forum Dollars" simply for registering a new account!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Why Network Marketing Is the Best Career Path for a Solid Future Income!

The Roc Group
SFI Silver Team Leaders

The Roc Group is having a tremendous first year as an Affiliate of SFI. We have started from zero affiliates on 11.04.06 to over 5936 affiliates as of this writing.

We have found it necessary to start blogging, since there is so much information that is needed to be available to the new affiliates that are joining faster then we can get an email to them. As a result, we will post regularly here, so visit often. We will start by going to the basics of why we are all here. We want to earn a professional income through SFI Marketing Group.

Who said you had to go to college to earn a professional income?

Let's talk about the time it takes to earn your income. Doctors work on the average of 50 to 60 hours per week. If they are in private practice, their overhead starts at $6000 to $15,000 per month, before debt repayment and their take home pay. They have to either keep their hands in someone's mouth or some other body cavity to keep their income rolling. You have to be a serious person to complete the 8 year requirement to become a doctor.

As a professional Network Marketer, you should take your business serious, too! Working 10 to 15 hours per week over 12 to 36 months, your monthly income should build to an average of $4000 to $8000. Unlike a doctor, once you get your income growing, it will not matter much what you do to keep it growing, since you are getting paid because of the efforts of ten's of thousands of others. Not just your own efforts!

What would you have to do to earn solid future income increases? Continue to work 10 to 15 hours per week! By simply responding to your ever growing downline's inquiries, and promoting your business website url. That's it!

How much will it cost to get your Network Marketing business in profit and in a steady growth mode?

With SFI all it takes is an average of $100 to $200 over a 3 to 6 month period. If you are as serious and as dedicated as a medical student about doing the work required for success, you will start by creating a massive advertising campaign from the day you get your business started. By doing that, you should acquire a minimum of 1 Executive Affiliate per month.

In SFI, 3 Executive Affiliates on your 1st level will pay you a minimum of $32 per month. That would get you in profit and cover the qualification cost of the monthly International Association Of Home Business Entreprenuers membership.

From there, its a matter of continuing to acquire a minimum of 1 EA per month, and encouraging and teaching your downline affiliates to do the same. According to the SFI Income Calculator, after about 6 months, your income will start to double each month!

This Is A Silver Bullet to Network Marketing SUCCESS:

The only place money comes before work is in the dictionary!

You must start out with a 24 month plan to success. It may take less or more, but focus on 24 months. That means, you should not expect to earn much money in the beginning. Just like a medical student, you will be required to work hard for Z-E-R-0 money!

You can also expect to pay money for a few months and only earn about one-third of what you pay. That's a fact! That income is also GUARANTEED! Most people get the idea that the money will come in for just signing up as an Executive Affiliate. NOT!!! At lease not for a while, if you don't promote your business every day!

Building a network marketing income, no matter which company, is like riding a bicycle up a steep hill. You must peddle hard at first, and the closer you get to the top, the more difficult it will become to stay focused and motivated.

You are going to think to yourself, "I will never make it. I'll just quit!" If you do, you are guaranteed to fail. If you keep peddling, you may go a little slower, but you will be making steady progress towards your goal.

Once you make it to the top, it all downhill from there. You will not have to do any peddling to ride down the hill. By making it to the top through hard work, your income will grow with virtually no effort. Just like riding a bike downhill.

This is the best analogy I've ever heard to explain perfectly what building an income with a Network Marketing company is all about. Simply, in the beginning you will work hard for little to no money. Then at some point, you will start to earn a lot of money for doing a little to no work!

Another one is like the doctor above. Imagine how hard it is to earn a medical license. Most students live very poorly while doing this hard studying. But, once doctors get to the top of the hill of study and learning, their income will be there in an abundance.

The flip side for doctors though, is they have BIG medical loans debt. Plus, they have to actually "work" for every dollar they receive. Professional network marketers have absolutely Z-E-R-O debt, while earning a similar if not even greater net income. Plus, professional network marketers don't get paid for what they are doing currently, they get paid for what they started from the beginning.

Why not get your SFI business started, today?

The Roc Group


To be successful as a Network Marketing Professional affiliate of SFI Marketing Group you need to do 5 things:

1. Start your business with a business name and a business mindset.
Action Step: For the steps, click this link:

2. Be sponsored by a SFI Income Building Professional.
Action Step: Join The Roc Group through this link:

3. Login to your new SFI account and complete P.A.T.H Training, immediately.

4. Start your 1st Massive Advertising Campaign that will last for at least 12 months
Action Step: Visit www.professional-income-builders for the details

5. Set realistic Professional Income Building goals for a 12 to 24 month accumulation period.

The Roc Group's downline numbers since we joined SFI 11.04.06. We are predicting 10,000 affiliates by our anniversary. This growth will come as a result of the hard work of the affiliates in our downline right now. Everyone starts at the beginning, just like a new born baby. Your income growth depends on Y_O_U!

Within 3 years, each person in your downline will be worth a minimum of $3 per month, even if they do nothing other then to register as a FREE affiliate. We would like to invite you to join us!

Gen 1 Affiliates: 346
Gen 2 Affiliates: 670
Gen 3 Affiliates: 526
Gen 4 Affiliates: 972
Gen 5 Affiliates: 1253
Gen 6 Affiliates: 1175
Gen 7 Affiliates: 994
Total for all Generations: 5936 A Window Office Suite imitator that's perfectly legal and free!