Millionaire Status with SFI is a definite possibility if you are willing to do 5 simple things.....
1. Join SFI and upgrade to Executive Affiliate with VersaPoints!
2. Advertise your business to "hire" your potential leaders!
3. Advertise your business to build a personal customer base!
4. Set 3 long-term goals and 3 short-termed goals for your business.
5. Build your downline 'THROUGH TEAM LEADERS" until you obtain the highest rank of PLATINUM TEAM LEADER!
Why will so few do something so simple as those 5 steps to succeed?
Here's why:
Imagine if a total stranger came up to you and told you she would give you $1,000,000 if you could systematically over time get 1, 000,000 people to visit a network marketing website.
It didn't matter how long it took, when the 1,000,000th person hit your URL, you would get a check for ONE-MILLION dollars!
What would you do?
According to a leading major Network Marketing company survey, that is what they did in the downtown shopping area of Chicago some years ago.
What they found out is one of the "hidden secrets" to success in Network Marketing. On the average, of 100 people that were asked the above question, this is how they responded:
What did that 1 person know that the other 99 people did not know? He knew how to recognize a great opportunity when it was presented to him, and he knew how to finish a task that he started!
You see, any one and every one can succeed in Network Marketing. The problem is only a very few have the the right attitude and dogged determination to keep pushing forward in spite of all apparently negative odds.
So what does this tell you about your SFI Marketing Group business and income building efforts?
Basically, you have to go through a lot of Z-E-R-Os to get to that one H-E-R-O who will see the job through! Is is worth all the long hours and the seemingly endless effort? You bet it is!
Will everyone who visits your website sign up? NO!
Will everyone who signs up for a FREE account in your SFI business become a Team Leader? Absolutely NOT!
Why not?
Because of the lack of a persistent advertising efforts, and keeping their blinders on. Farmers in the old days put blinders on horses to keep them focused on making forward progress. This prevented their eyes from focusing on the cool water on the right, or the tasty barley field on the left.
Advertising your SFI business is the same way. How much time you are focused on learning about it, and advertising it will determine your ultimate success or eventual failure. Its just that simple!
Advertising is like prospecting for "PURE GOLD". You pan through a lot of WATER and worthless sand, day in and day out, no doubt about it. Every once in a while you find what prospectors call "FOOLS GOLD". It looks good and feels good, but upon professional examination, ITS TOTALLY WORTHLESS!
That would be compared to signing up an affiliate that does everything right, in the beginning. He may even sign up and purchase products right away to become an Executive Affiliate, but eventually as time progress month in and month out, he quits before he has enough advertising out there to find a few Team Leaders who want to succeed.
However, if you continue sifting day in and day out, over time you will eventually find 2 to 3 people just like the 1 person above, and those few people any where in your downline will earn you an income beyond your wildest dreams!
For more details on just how 2 or 3 totally successful people in your downline can earn you a Million Dollar income in Network Marketing, especially with SFI, check our blog in a few days.
We will be telling how you can take a measly penny (.01) and grow it into $1,000,000 in just 30 days using two time-tested principles that create millionaires in Network Marketing.
These 2 principles are Duplication and Multiplication. Here's a tip: Take one penny and mathematically double it every day for 30 days. See if you can figure it out.
The Roc Group
Silver Team Leaders
To be successful as a Network Marketing Professional affiliate of SFI Marketing Group you need to do these 5 things to get started:
1. Be sponsored by a SFI Income Building Professional.
Action Step: Join The Roc Group through this link
2. Start your business with a business name and a business mindset.
Action Step: For tips, send an email with your SFI id# to:
3. Login to your new SFI account and complete VersaPoints Training,
immediately. Action Step: Start Your Training at this link
4. Start your 1st Massive Advertising Campaign that will last for at least 12 - 24 months day in and day out.
Action Step: Contact your sponsor and get the link to our 10 Week Advertising Course.
5. Set realistic Professional Income Building goals for a 12 to 24 month accumulation period.
These are Roc Group's up-to-date downline numbers since we joined SFI 11.04.06. We are predicting 10,000 affiliates by our anniversary. This growth will come as a result of the hard work of the affiliates in our downline right now. Everyone starts at the beginning, just like a new born baby. Your ultimate income growth depends solely on Y_O_U! However, you are paid for what you start, not what you are doing now.
We predict within 5 years, each person in your downline will be worth a minimum of $3 per month to you, even if they do nothing other then to register as a FREE affiliate. We would like to invite you to join us, TODAY!
Money Fan Club Our newest forum we recommend for advertising your SFI business.
Get paid $20 in "Forum Dollars" simply for registering a new account!
1. Join SFI and upgrade to Executive Affiliate with VersaPoints!
2. Advertise your business to "hire" your potential leaders!
3. Advertise your business to build a personal customer base!
4. Set 3 long-term goals and 3 short-termed goals for your business.
5. Build your downline 'THROUGH TEAM LEADERS" until you obtain the highest rank of PLATINUM TEAM LEADER!
Why will so few do something so simple as those 5 steps to succeed?
Here's why:
Imagine if a total stranger came up to you and told you she would give you $1,000,000 if you could systematically over time get 1, 000,000 people to visit a network marketing website.
It didn't matter how long it took, when the 1,000,000th person hit your URL, you would get a check for ONE-MILLION dollars!
What would you do?
According to a leading major Network Marketing company survey, that is what they did in the downtown shopping area of Chicago some years ago.
What they found out is one of the "hidden secrets" to success in Network Marketing. On the average, of 100 people that were asked the above question, this is how they responded:
- 61 Walked away immediately, totally discounting the offer
- 26 Asked a few more details, but would not get involved
- 12 Signed up in the marketing plan right away
- 1 Completed their Success Plan some SIX YEARS later
What did that 1 person know that the other 99 people did not know? He knew how to recognize a great opportunity when it was presented to him, and he knew how to finish a task that he started!
You see, any one and every one can succeed in Network Marketing. The problem is only a very few have the the right attitude and dogged determination to keep pushing forward in spite of all apparently negative odds.
So what does this tell you about your SFI Marketing Group business and income building efforts?
Basically, you have to go through a lot of Z-E-R-Os to get to that one H-E-R-O who will see the job through! Is is worth all the long hours and the seemingly endless effort? You bet it is!
Will everyone who visits your website sign up? NO!
Will everyone who signs up for a FREE account in your SFI business become a Team Leader? Absolutely NOT!
Why not?
Because of the lack of a persistent advertising efforts, and keeping their blinders on. Farmers in the old days put blinders on horses to keep them focused on making forward progress. This prevented their eyes from focusing on the cool water on the right, or the tasty barley field on the left.
Advertising your SFI business is the same way. How much time you are focused on learning about it, and advertising it will determine your ultimate success or eventual failure. Its just that simple!
Advertising is like prospecting for "PURE GOLD". You pan through a lot of WATER and worthless sand, day in and day out, no doubt about it. Every once in a while you find what prospectors call "FOOLS GOLD". It looks good and feels good, but upon professional examination, ITS TOTALLY WORTHLESS!
That would be compared to signing up an affiliate that does everything right, in the beginning. He may even sign up and purchase products right away to become an Executive Affiliate, but eventually as time progress month in and month out, he quits before he has enough advertising out there to find a few Team Leaders who want to succeed.
However, if you continue sifting day in and day out, over time you will eventually find 2 to 3 people just like the 1 person above, and those few people any where in your downline will earn you an income beyond your wildest dreams!
For more details on just how 2 or 3 totally successful people in your downline can earn you a Million Dollar income in Network Marketing, especially with SFI, check our blog in a few days.
We will be telling how you can take a measly penny (.01) and grow it into $1,000,000 in just 30 days using two time-tested principles that create millionaires in Network Marketing.
These 2 principles are Duplication and Multiplication. Here's a tip: Take one penny and mathematically double it every day for 30 days. See if you can figure it out.
The Roc Group
Silver Team Leaders
To be successful as a Network Marketing Professional affiliate of SFI Marketing Group you need to do these 5 things to get started:
1. Be sponsored by a SFI Income Building Professional.
Action Step: Join The Roc Group through this link
2. Start your business with a business name and a business mindset.
Action Step: For tips, send an email with your SFI id# to:
3. Login to your new SFI account and complete VersaPoints Training,
immediately. Action Step: Start Your Training at this link
4. Start your 1st Massive Advertising Campaign that will last for at least 12 - 24 months day in and day out.
Action Step: Contact your sponsor and get the link to our 10 Week Advertising Course.
5. Set realistic Professional Income Building goals for a 12 to 24 month accumulation period.
These are Roc Group's up-to-date downline numbers since we joined SFI 11.04.06. We are predicting 10,000 affiliates by our anniversary. This growth will come as a result of the hard work of the affiliates in our downline right now. Everyone starts at the beginning, just like a new born baby. Your ultimate income growth depends solely on Y_O_U! However, you are paid for what you start, not what you are doing now.
We predict within 5 years, each person in your downline will be worth a minimum of $3 per month to you, even if they do nothing other then to register as a FREE affiliate. We would like to invite you to join us, TODAY!
Gen 1 Affiliates: 352 Gen 2 Affiliates: 716 Gen 3 Affiliates: 536 Gen 4 Affiliates: 986 Gen 5 Affiliates: 1289 Gen 6 Affiliates: 1218 Gen 7 Affiliates: 1009 Total for all Generations: 6106 |
Money Fan Club Our newest forum we recommend for advertising your SFI business.
Get paid $20 in "Forum Dollars" simply for registering a new account!
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