Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Making More Money Will Be GREAT In 2008!

The Roc Group

The year of 2007 is almost history! The question everyone should ask themselves is:

"Did I reach the goals I set out to achieve at the beginning of 2007?"

If you are honest with yourself, you will be able to face the new year with high hopes and expectations for something better. Our new motto for 2008 is, "The Best Is Yet To Come"!

How can we say that? Because reaching goals are like playing horse shoes. Its just as good if you come close! Our goal for our first year in SFI was 10,000 affiliates. As it stands right now in the list below, we will be close:

Gen 1 Affiliates: 420
Gen 2 Affiliates: 1091
Gen 3 Affiliates: 906
Gen 4 Affiliates: 2055
Gen 5 Affiliates: 1649
Gen 6 Affiliates: 1505
Gen 7 Affiliates: 804
Total for all the above Generations: 8430
Total including Generations below the 7th level: 8868

Our latest downline numbers as of 12/12/07. Imagine what our downline will be in 5 years!

YOU can get rich "SLOW" with our income building plans! The only thing that is different between us and you, is time + hard work!

Building an online income in SFI is serious business for The Roc Group! This is how we see it....

If you are reading this blog now, and you are not satisfied with the progress you made in 2007 towards your solid future income goals, then we are determined to help you to earn money in 2008!

There are no ifs, ands, or buts, about it! The goal we started with when we first joined SFI on November 4, 2006 is still in place:

"We Will Use Our Money To Build Your Solid Future Income, GUARANTEED!"

For the coming year, we will have at least 4 new income building plans for our downline organization. The first of which we have launched already, called the:

Of the 4 income building plans we had in 2007, we feel strongly that our latest will prove to be our greatest income builder, yet! Why not visit our new website right now at the link above!

We will not give up on YOUR success in SFI until you prove to us, in writing, that you are giving up on your own success! We are just as determined and focused as a hungry eagle on helping you earn money in 2008!

We are available 24/7 to assist you. Take advantage of us, TODAY!

The Roc Group

P.S. For SFI income building steps, if you have not done so already, send an email to:

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